Top 10k strings from Don't Pull It Too Much George (19xx)(Sygma Press)(128k).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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2 yyy9;???> 1 2 jUjUjUjUjU*5*5* 2 ___OOBEJT(ThPh 2 B6A6A=:6A=:A=6:=BA=A?:6:65 2 ?$5$?$5$?$5$?$5$?$5$ 2 :>!|r"yp`x`@p@ 2 8<<D0<08<08D0<DD 2 616;6168616 2 4333322221111----0000////....++++ 2 0(4(4(5*5*? 2 ,<,4-4/WZMJ 2 +*(0/+/4764<;9 2 +*(/0+049767 2 +()+,)+,.+ 2 !''' /00?"" 8'8' 2 !$))$)+)$+- 2 The Netherlands 2 Stormbringer 2 Saboteur II 2 Roosendaal 2 Jurriaandonk 36 2 International Karate + 2 D. Gommeren 2 0XTZ[]^]I*< 2 Nemesis The Warlock 1 wqjd_YTQKGC?;852/,*(%#! 1 a$="Don't" 1 a$$c$$a$$c&&a$$c$$a$ 1 ^#V#N#F#}2f 1 Z0 D< 0DD 1 RRPPOOKKFFDDCC??..,,++'' 1 OOMMKKHHCCAA??<<++))''$$ 1 Microdrive/Opus 1 Disciple/Plus D 1 B09A;8@:7?96>85=74<63;52:4193082/71. 1 @NNKIHHFEDE 1 ?K?K?K?K?K?K 1 ? This was the story I have waited for so long to tell the world. Of course you don't have to believe it, but I swear it is the truth. 1 >?@<745752 1 > So and know I will tell you the story everyone of you has been waiting for (don't tell me you haven't ... ) 1 <H<H<H<H<H<H 1 <A?<?<:?<: 1 <<>>@@AACCEG 1 9><9<97975 1 8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?2>2>2>2>2>2>2>2>2>3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C 1 ---/00/-+++) 1 ---/00/-+++( 1 *5*5*UjUkUj 1 ( So far for the facts about live, lets continue with some more interesting things, 1 '"0 - Start" 1 &&&())+--++* 1 % Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I was, wearing a little red cap, walking to one of the most beautiful woods you have ever come to see. It is one of those woods which makes you want to live forever, in which the birds are singing there most beautiful songs, in which thousands of paths are going into thousands of directions and lead you to places, where it seems there haven't been a living soul for at least two hundred years. But I was going to tell you a story, not to tell you about woods which do not exist anymore .... In my left hand I was carrying a little basket filled with delicious blackberries wich I gathered myself and in my right hand I was carring my getto-blaster, just to enjoy some good old ANTHRAX music. Those blackberries where for my old grandmother who lived in a small house in the middle of the same forest, in the shadow of a 47 floors high sky-scraper. What I didn't know at that time, and now I think of it, it is strange that nobody knew, is that those beautiful woods where plan 1 $$&&(())++-/ 1 # The story I am now going to tell you is the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help I God 1 "Saveoptions:"'' 1 "ENTER when ready: "; 1 "Don't Pull It Too Much George"'' 1 "5 - Microdrive/Opus" 1 "4 - Beta Disc (USR 15614)" 1 "3 - +3 Disc" 1 "2 - Disciple/Plus D" 1 "1 - Tape" 1 ! Now some technical information ... This demo uses 48758 bytes filled with wonderful music - or 'music', whatever you want - about 11000 bytes filled with gorgeous graphics and about 5000 bytes of demo machine code. 1 ! First something about the controls ... You can press either Cursor Down or '8' to move to the next tune or Cursor Up or '9' to go to the last tune, ENTER or '0' selects it, SPACE switches off all playing tunes or sound FX and 'Q' just goes back to the intro (you will be surprised by it). From the intro you can press SPACE to go back to this part. 1 if anyone wants to become more or less famous, just send all your music (basic listings with the PLAY statement, please), your graphics (SREEN$ format) or your ideas (no programs) on tape to: 1 When my grandma was consuming me, she simply choked in my big toe and felt unconscious on the floor. When next day, the viccar came for its weekly visit of grandmother, he found grandmother lying on the floor, and because he was a very smart person, he immediately knew what did happen. He took his stiletto and gently cut in the belly of my grandmother to get me out. After that he filled her belly with stones and he threw her in the river. 1 Well, let me tell you who made this demo possible (You do want to know, don't you?) .... IT'S ME WHO DID EVERTHING !!! 1 The end, which I'm going to tell you now, is told to me by the person who saved my life and is maybe not entirely based upon facts .... 1 Supercup Football .9 Supercup Football .10 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .1 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .2 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .3 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .4 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .5 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .6 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .7 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .8 Auf Wiedersehen Monty .9Auf Wiedersehen Monty .10Auf Wiedersehen Monty .11Auf Wiedersehen Monty .12Auf Wiedersehen Monty .13 1 Supercup Football .8 1 Supercup Football .7 1 Supercup Football .6 1 Supercup Football .5 1 Supercup Football .4 1 Supercup Football .3 1 Some other people do have got big ears too - Hi, SCRUNK (O) - 'By the way', she said ' I've got to eat you' 1 Of course this demo text is not finished yet (about 2K to go in fact) so I will bore you with some facts about live. 1 Now, first let me do some greetings (and I know you want to hear them, am I right?) and after that I'll tell you a short story which really happened to me a long, long time ago, to fill up the rest of the 10K ... 1 If they are useable we will use them in our future demos and give you all the credits you deserve! 1 I repeat: 1 Greetings to : THE CHAMP (What can I say? Everything is already known), Remko Lansaat (Hi, darling! - kidding - ), Dennis van Berkel (DvB) (Learn to program, your last demo is awful, why don't you program a smooth scroll? And what are you doing with your interrupts? They don't work on my PLUS D!!! Besides, buy a pair of glasses or learn the difference between CREATE and RIP. Nice adventure you wrote but I hate adventures which are in dutch (or Italian) and which contain spelling mistakes in the very first screen), M. Jurriens (Violence to you ... Don't be surprised if one day I come over to you just to tear your brains out - if you've got them - to make some sort of garotte of them!), Sgt. Pepper (Do you still exist? Anyway, you are the only one I know of who writes good demos for the SPECTRUM), P.B. Rasmussen (Sorry it takes so long before I return your tape), The Isra-alien team (Thanks for your compliment, but you didn't have to tell us, we already knew) 1 8 - My english is very, very bad 1 7 - Our dog thinks so too 1 6 - I think bonzo is very tasty 1 5 - Did he love it? 1 4 - Elvis Presley did have money 1 3 - Elvis Presley is dead 1 2 - I haven't got it 1 .... yes, and then she laid her leg, her naked leg, right on my desk and she said .... Oh, shit, we are in the scroll ... Ahum, well, eh, I didn't do anything really, just, eh ... I just wanted to say hello to all readers who are smart enough to discover you never load about 80K of program just for one tune and one stupid and simple intro. Yep, you might have guessed it already, but you are reading to scroll-text of The Lords' new demo called 'The Collected Works Part One' (T.C.W.P.O.) finished in june, 1989. (And what a demo it is). 'Cause I've got about 10K of text to fill I just will explain something about this splendificious (Mmmm, nice word, shame it doesn't exist - as far as I know anyway - ) demo. 1 -, I ripped all tunes, and I even programmed SUPERCUP FOOTBALL myself, I wrote all scroll and control routines, I drew all graphics of the intro (That rotating square was calculated with a 2D-rotate routine I wrote only to calculate those eight frames of movement) and only the horses, backgrounds and characters where ripped by me .... The mystic horses came from a demo for a drawing program called 'Screen Machine', the misty backgrounds came from SUPERHANG ON (AFRICA) and the stylish characterset came from THE NEVERENDING STORY 1 'Yes, I know, that is because of those fucking blackberries you gave. And if you begin about my eyes or my ears, I will break your neck. Besides, some other people do have got big ears too'. And I knew she was right. 1 'But grandma, that isn't ethicly justified!' I cried. 'Yes it is' she replied and suddenly, with one big bite she consumed me. 1 She didn't look like she did before. Her mouth was covered with drivel. Her teeth had grown and where massive killing machines. Her eyes were the eyes of a demon and, worst of all, her hands were claws, bigger than those of a bear, smaller than those of an elephant (does an elephant has got claws?). 'Grandma', I said 'what do you have a big mouth.' 1 Of course there is a big bad wolf in this story, but at the time everything happened, he was on a holiday to sunny Spain. 1 I think that this is the end of the text, so enjoy it for another time 1 After that, I can't remember anything. Until I woke up in a comfortable tunnel like hall, to the east there was the round green door. I also saw a wooden chest. But the thing that impressed me most was the size of the hall, it was very small, as if it was made for hobbits! 1 1 - I love money